Tag Archives: electric bill

5 AC Maintenance Tips to Increase the Performance of Your Air Conditioner

5 AC Maintenance Tips to Increase the Performance of Your Air Conditioner

Keeping your air conditioning running efficiently isn’t just a matter of comfort. It can prove to be a matter of health and safety. In San Bernadine, for example, the average temperature in July and August is around 96 degrees Fahrenheit. With the temperature that high outside, interior temperatures can reach dangerous temperatures. Air conditioning also […]

Top 5 Tips to Lower AC Bills & Save Money in this Summer 2022

5 Tips to Lower AC Bills

As the mercury and humidity rise, an AC can keep you comfortable. But is there a way to keep the electricity bills from shooting up, minimizing energy wastage and keeping cozy during the hot summer days? Yes, and yes. Here are 5 Tips to Lower AC Bills you can follow 1. Sealed Rooms & Shut […]

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